Why Almost Everybody Fails At Weight Loss

And How to Lose All the Weight You Want by

Doing the Exact Opposite

Are you tired of restrictive diets that are impossible to stick to?

Would you like a personalized eating plan designed to lose all the weight you want while eating your favorite foods?

If so, you’ll love what I’m about to share with you.

My name is Jack Thompson.  And I’ve been helping people lose weight for the past 15 years with a unique system that’s easy to follow and includes your favorite foods.

I stumbled upon a weight loss discovery in 2004 that changed my life, and I’m confident it can do the same for you.

It all started when . . . 

Jack Thompson Helps His Clients LOSE All the Weight They Want While Eating Their Favorite Foods!


Despite being athletic and fit my whole life, in my early thirties, I took on two ‘slacker’ habits—binge eating and holding down the couch as I watched TV.  Sadly, these habits fattened me up like a Christmas hog. 

After looking at that disgusting photo of myself, I decided to roll up my sleeves and do something about it. 

So, I started a diet the next day.

No problem, I thought, all I need to do is clean up my eating and exercise a little more to drop the extra 30 pounds I was lugging around.

I chose the Atkins Diet, which is essentially a “conventional keto” diet although that term was not used back in those days.

As close as I can remember, here are the results of that humbling first weight loss attempt . . .

Week 1: Lost 3 pounds
Week 2: Lost 5 pounds
Week 3: Lost 3 pounds
Week 4: Lost 0 pounds
Week 5:  Gained 1 pound, got pissed off, and quit

This is a common experience maybe you can relate to.

Fat and frustrated!
-Jack Thompson 2004


It only took a few weeks on the diet before my urge to cheat grew stronger than my willpower

The daily grind of only eating meat, fat, and no-starch veggies was too much for me.  

Over the next twelve months—in true ‘slacker’ fashion—I failed at two more weight-loss attempts, sending my confidence into the gutter. 

At that point, I was so frustrated that I folded like a cheap suit and settled back into binge eating and watching TV. 

To my surprise, this all changed almost by accident when . . . 


The evening before, I fell asleep early without any dinner, and due to a busy morning, I did not have time to eat breakfast the next day.  By eleven o’clock that morning, I said to myself, “I’ve skipped breakfast.  It’s been over fifteen hours since I last ate.  I should be hungry, but I’m not.” 

This instantly made me flash back to 1989 when I had to make my designated weight for wrestling.  Back then, a crusty, old wrestling coach who swore like a sailor shared an effective weight loss trick with me.

The coach’s weight-loss advice went like this:

“Skip breakfast, eat bacon and eggs for lunch, and then, eat mostly meat and veggies for dinner.  Go f#@#ing easy on the starches and desserts.  Cut them in half.”

Ironically, his advice was a blend of what we know today as intermittent fasting, keto meals, and lower-carb eating.

I didn’t know the terms “intermittent fasting” and “ketogenic diet” back in 1989 and neither did the wrestling coach.  But even though I didn’t know the correct terms or understand the principles involved, the wrestler’s diet worked like a charm.  Weight loss never felt so easy.

However, once college was over, I retired from wrestling and never thought of the diet again until that flashback twelve years later. 

Can you guess what I did?

You got it—I dusted off my old wrestler’s diet and started it immediately. 


I was tickled.

Because of a back injury, I barely exercised during those seven weeks on the wrestler’s diet. 

The diet itself caused the weight loss. 

It has been seventeen years since I lost those 30 pounds, and I have not had a weight problem since.  And I never feel deprived.  Never.  Not once.

On the left is my photo from 17 years ago.  On the right is my photo today at 51 years old.     

Before I lost 30 pounds in 7 weeks with Keto Slacking Custom. Fat and frustrated!
– Jack Thompson in 2004

17 years after I lost 30 pounds. I’ve easily maintained my weight over the years by eating Keto Slacking Custom.
– Jack Thompson in 2022


After I lost the 30 pounds, I soon started sharing my weight-loss discovery with others.   My clients achieved similar results.

Of course, I’ve learned a lot more since then both in my own body and from helping clients do the same over the past many years. 

I’ve made numerous tweaks to the eating plan and have successfully taught the newer 3-step eating plan to many men and women of all ages and sizes. 

The 3rd step, ‘reward eating’ is everybody’s favorite because it allows them to eat their favorite foods during part of the day.

It’s MUCH EASIER to stay on track when there is a built-in reward system at dinner every day. 

The new version is affectionately named . . . Keto Slacking.

This step-by-step program is more user-friendly, more flexible, and easier to follow than any other weight loss option I’ve seen.

Here’s why…

There are 3 core steps in the Keto Slacking system…

Step #1:  Extend your overnight fast to 14-hours.   You’ll discover tips to make extending your fast easy and fit your daily schedule.  Most people find this step easier than they expected.

Step #2:  Eat a delicious keto meal after your overnight fast.  You’ll discover great tasting keto meals you’ll love eating after your fast.

Step #3:  Reward Eating . . . Eat what you crave in the later part of the day but cut the bad carbs in half. 

Instead of focusing on the foods you CAN’T eat like many of the cookie-cutter diets do, Keto Slacking Custom does the opposite by designing an eating plan around the foods you WANT to eat. 

In the program, you’ll make a list of your favorite foods so you can include them in the ‘reward eating’ step.

All I ask you to do is cut any bad carbs in half.

Here are a few examples . . . 

  • Cheeseburger – Eat the bottom side of the bun only. Make it a double cheeseburger but give half of the bun to the dog.
  • Spaghetti – Reduce the pasta noodles by half and eat more meat sauce or an extra meatball.
  • Baked Potato – Eat half of the spud. Go ahead, add extra butter.
  • Chocolate Cake – Eat half of a “normal-sized” piece of cake.
One of my Favorite Foods!

You’ll soon realize that cutting bad carbs in half is easy.  Here’s what a successful client says about cutting bad carbs in half during the reward eating step . . .

“I’ve failed many diets, but KETO SLACKING is different. The 3-step eating plan is easy to follow. I look forward to reward eating every day!”
—John Saccoman, Lost 108lbs with KETO SLACKING

Like John, you’ll look forward to reward eating every single day. So go ahead, reward yourself by eating what you crave. However, as you eat what you crave, cut the bad carbs in half.

“I am 70 years old and was developing a gut I did not like. I heard about “Keto Slacking” through a friend and decided to give it a try. Amazingly, I lost 19 pounds in 6 weeks – from mid-November to early January holiday season, no less! It was the easiest and quickest weight I have ever lost!”

-Wayne Johnson, lost 19 pounds during the holiday season


I call most diets cookie-cutter because mainstream diets are not custom made for you.  They tell you what they consider the ‘optimal’ way to eat.  And anything else is considered cheating.  I’m telling you to include these so called ‘cheat foods’ to keep you happy and content.  The cookie cutter diets imply you’re failing when you eat your favorite foods. 

I’m saying the opposite. 

Your long-term success depends on eating your favorite foods every day!

Knowing you get to eat your favorite foods gives you a big mental advantage.

Cookie-cutter diets make you feel like a prisoner trying to make it through the day. 

Keto Slacking’s built-in reward system gives you something to look forward to everyday! 


  • The #1 reason why people fail at weight-loss . . . and how to avoid it!
  • How to get your body in a Fat-Burning State where it burns fat without exercising.
  • Stimulate weight-loss and simultaneously fight diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases by lowering your insulin levels.
  • Why moving a ‘breakfast’ just a few hours is so effective at melting away fat . . . no need to struggle with longer intermittent fasting of 16-20 hours.
  • A simple and surprising ‘trick’ you can use with your first meal each day that puts your body so deep in the fat-burning state you can eat ‘Cheat Foods’ later and still lose weight.
  • Do you like pizza and cheeseburgers? Then you’ll LOVE this weight loss secret!
  • 2 overlooked health tips that boost energy and help you lose weight faster.
  • Why ‘Reward Eating’ should be done every day if you want to lose weight and keep it off for life!


  • Eat this healthy food cooked in savory butter to curb sugar and starch cravings.
  • A simple tip to help make you mentally stronger so you don’t cheat on your diet.
  • How to find a FREE personal coach to keep you accountable (this step reprograms your subconscious and makes sticking to your diet second nature in just 3 to 4 weeks).
  • 2 tips to help reduce or even eliminate evening food cravings…and one of these tips helps digestion at the same time!
  • How do you know when a diet’s eating plan is right for you? The voice in your head will speak this to you with confidence.
  • A simple ‘writing’ trick that makes you mentally stronger . . . and keeps you from cheating on your eating plan.
  • How to maximize your weight loss during the first 3 to 4 weeks, and overcome ‘sticking points’ to keep shedding pounds even after the ‘easy loss’ phase.
  • How much water you should drink every day to keep your energy levels high, stress levels low, and stimulate weight loss.
  • Why ‘cookie cutter’ diets work the first few weeks, but quickly backfire into frustration, food cheating, and eventual failure.



Keto Slacking Custom mimics the same process I take my private clients through when creating a custom eating plan for them.  Here are the 3 easy steps in the course:

  1. Watch the Keto Slacking Custom 45-minute online video course.
  2. Answer the fill-in-the-blank questions to customize your plan.
  3. Start losing weight with your personalized eating plan that includes your favorite foods.

I was carrying 20 extra pounds and could see it and feel it.  I heard about  Keto Slacking and gave it a try.  Over a three month period I dropped 25 lbs.  My wife said I looked too thin!  I have kept the extra weight off and feel great.  Keto Slacking is an integral part of my wellness routine and it is easy.

-Bill Cimperman, lost 25 pounds


BONUS #1:  Custom Eating Plan Review 

After you watch the videos and finish your custom eating plan, email it to me so I can review it.  I will make sure you didn’t miss anything and your plan is ready for you to start losing weight in a healthy way. This personalized review is worth the entire price of the package alone!

BONUS #2: 6-Minute Weight Loss Meditation: 

This short meditation reprograms your subconscious mind to help you stay strong and stick to your diet without cheating. It’s a proven way to keep you on track.

BONUS #3: Keto Slacking Book (digital): 

The book teaches the Keto Slacking 3-step eating plan with fun and relatable stories. The back of the book has three helpful appendices titled, ’12 Favorite Keto Meals,’ ‘Keto-Friendly Foods (and foods to avoid),’ and ‘What to Order at a Restaurant.’


This is an affordable way to experience a custom weight-loss plan made specifically for you.   I charge private clients $250 to create a custom eating plan based on the Keto Slacking method.

This course mimics the same process I take my private clients through. 

Simply, answer the questions on the course worksheet as you watch the 45-minute online video course.  By the end, you will have a custom eating plan ready to go. 

And don’t forget you also get your personalized review of your plan.  Just email it to me after you’ve finished the questions on the course worksheet.  I’ll review your plan and email you back feedback and suggestions to help make weight-loss easier and healthier. 

Your investment for everything…including the Keto Slacking Custom online training program…fill-in-the-blank cheat sheet to create your custom plan…the personalized review by email…the weight loss meditation video…and the Keto Slacking digital book…is only $65 total.  


If you follow the step-by-step system in the video course and fill out the worksheet, I’m confident you will find weight-loss success.  With that said, I understand you don’t know me and it’s hard to know who you can trust online these days. 

So, let’s make this an easy decision for you.

If you’re not fully satisfied for any reason over the next 30 days, simply contact me for a full refund . . . no questions asked.  Since it’s a digital product, there’s nothing to return.

Click the order button now to start losing weight with a custom plan that includes your favorite foods. 


I lost 12 pounds with Keto Slacking on a last-ditch effort to fit into a dress for a friend’s wedding.  I couldn’t believe how fast the pounds came off!

-Chelsea Simonson


 If you’ve come this far with me, you must be serious about losing weight. 

Here’s a bit of advice.

Weight loss is a game of action.  You need to take daily steps – preferably small ones at first – if you want to succeed.  Far too many people let mental hang-ups get in their way.  They think about it too much and make weight loss more difficult than it is.

So instead of thinking about it, get started as soon as possible with small daily action steps.

No dilly-dallying.

Start by claiming your copy of Keto Slacking Custom today.

Then follow the simple system I’ve laid out.

You can have a custom weight loss plan designed specifically for you…in less than one hour.

End the confusion.  End the yo-yo dieting.  Quit relying on ‘willpower’ as you try to suffer through a plan designed for someone else…

Experience the joy of daily ‘reward eating’ as you watch the pounds melt away…

Click the Order button now to get started.  You have nothing to lose…and a new body to gain…

Best Regards,

Jack Thompson

P.S.  I look forward to saying hello and personally reviewing your custom eating plan.  I’ve helped clients lose weight with this system for more than a decade, and I can’t wait to hear your results as well.

I love how the Keto Slacking 3 steps are easy to follow.  I don’t need to count calories or think about it too much.  It takes the pressure off.  I like how I can blow off my occasional food cheating and start fresh the next day.  

-Laura Pyne

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FREE “Keto Slacking” Cheat Sheet Reveals 3 Simple Steps to Lose Weight Without Giving Up Your Favorite Foods

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