Here’s my story.

Back in 1989 I was a 19-year-old college wrestler in great shape.  Fast forward to age 33, and I was fat, out of shape, and suffering with daily pain from old wrestling injuries.   

I went from a picture of health to a train wreck in 13 years.

I felt like a two-faced hypocrite.  

I was preaching health and fitness to my fitness clients while letting my own body go soft, weak, and overweight. 

One day I caught a look at a photo of myself. 

What did I see?

A fat, out-of-shape fitness coach – a phony!

That embarrassing photo motivated me to finally get off my butt and get in shape.  I had three hurdles to overcome before I could look my clients in the eyes and not feel like a hypocrite:

1. Weight Loss:  I was 30 pounds overweight.  That’s a lot for my short 5’8 frame.

2. Daily Pain:  I had back, neck, and shoulder injuries that made everyday a struggle.

3. Weak & Poor Athleticism:  Overall, I felt weak, vulnerable to injury, and a bit clumsy.

The First Step Was Losing Weight…

My first few weight loss attempts using the Atkins diet (conventional keto) ended in failure.  I didn’t have the discipline to stick to a restrictive keto plan of only eating meat, veggies, and healthy fats.  I was deprived of my favorite foods and felt like a prisoner to my food cravings. 

Eventually, I tried a modified keto plan based on a weight-loss trick I learned as a college wrestler.  This plan was easy to follow and allowed me to eat my favorite foods.  My extra 30 pounds melted off my body like warm butter.

Today, I call this modified keto plan, KETO SLACKING™.  I’ve taught it to many people over the years and recently wrote a book about it.

Next Step Was Pain Relief and Athleticism . . .

Resolving my pain was trickier than the weight loss.  I fell down a 7-year rabbit hole of seeking specialized doctors, chiropractors, and therapists to fix my broken body.  I learned a lot and spent a boatload of money, but never found the solution to free my body of pain and weakness.

I experienced an amazing breakthrough in 2012 when I stumbled upon a Russian martial art called Systema.  It includes exercises and movement principles that taught me to relax my muscles and activate my fascial system.  This unique training released deep-seated tension throughout my body giving me pain relief and healing.  In addition, fascial activation gave me a smooth and cat-like feel to my movement.  It’s a freedom of movement that you must feel to understand. 

Hidden Strength I Didn’t Know I Had

Another unexpected benefit of the training was the strength I gained as I became better at activating my fascia.  Knowing how to activate it on demand felt like having a second set of muscles making me stronger and more powerful. It was amazing to add so much strength in my late 40’s without lifting heavy weights at the gym.

These hidden strength shortcuts are often only shared by hard-to-find martial arts experts.  I invested six years seeking them out and putting together a new step-by-step program that’s perfect for anyone . . . whether you’re interested in martial arts or not.  I call this unique system FASCIA STRENGTH & POWER.  The program teaches you how to activate your facial system to build strength and power like a young athlete, while healing nagging aches and pains at the same time.  Many of my clients have called it a fountain of youth once they’ve experienced it for themselves.

Battle Tested

KETO SLACKING and FASCIA STRENGTH & POWER have both been battle tested and proven with my fitness and weight-loss clients.  My clients were the laboratory where I refined these concepts to make sure they work on all ages and body types and are as simple as possible to pick-up and apply to your busy life.   

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